Real Estate Investment – Owners on Title/Deed
Sample Property Co-Ownership Agreement For Two Parties Investing Together (use with Memorandum of Agreement)
This agreement template is designed for situations where two parties will co-own investment property as tenants in common, or where there are more parties but they will be effectively separated into no more than two subgroups.
Sample Property Co-Ownership Agreement For Three or More Parties Investing Together (use with Memorandum of Agreement)
This agreement template is for groups of 3-6 parties, couples or subgroups to co-own investment property as tenants in common. Can be used in any U.S. state, to protect the owners from unforeseen events or disagreements, and following death. Plain English, easy to understand and customize, eighteen pages in length with a detailed table of contents. Not suitable where the title will be held as a limited liability company (an “LLC”), but excellent for the increasingly common arrangement where the property will be held in tenancy in common, but one or more of the tenant in common investors will hold/her her TIC share in an LLC.
Sample Property Co-Ownership Agreement For Two Parties Who Will Live Together (use with Memorandum of Agreement)
This agreement template is designed for situations where two parties will co-own a home and live in it together. It will work when the property is owned in equal shares or unequal shares, where the ownership percentage will change over time, or where one party will lend the other money. Suitable for any U.S. state, plain English easy to understand and customize, seven pages long with a detailed table of contents for easy reference.
Sample Memorandum of Agreement
A memorandum of agreement protects an owner who is not bankrupt or in debt from creditors, bankruptcies and liens involving other owners, and from attacks by heirs, ex spouses, and other non-signers. It provides “constructive notice” of the existence of the agreement so that creditors and other outside parties cannot claim they are not bound, and prevents them from using a “partition” to force sale and division of proceeds according to title percentage (without regard to what the agreement says).